If you have any questions, comments or would like to contribute to our research (either by donating class books, research info or a financial donation towards our work) do please contact info@usaafclassbookproject.nl 


Reactie plaatsen


Erwin DeMooy
11 dagen geleden

Hello could you search for:

Sgt. Joseph A. Barboza (flight engineer)
Lt. David Hallam Armstrong
Sgt. Wilber H. Parker

Would really be appreciated!

Erwin DeMooy

Dennis Burke
22 dagen geleden

Hello there,

would you have indexed the book for John W HESKETH
First Lieutenant. Service number: O-677495

John Mier
2 maanden geleden

I’m with Stories Behind the Stars, our mission is to write a Life Story about every US Service person lost during WWII. I write mostly about the pilots of the 325th Fighter Group. Can I search your class books for info about these fallen? How do I give credit to you for info found? How do I share what I find with you if you want it? Thank you!

Stephen Thoms
7 maanden geleden

Hello. Do you have any copies available of GREEN ON and TUGS AND GLIDERS TO ARNHEM?
If yes, how much are they and do you post to the UK?
Thank you.

Arthur Edward Sevigny
7 maanden geleden

Just checking to see if your site is still active. I’ve jreceived two class books from a member of my old squadron (many, many years before I was in it). They are two books “Slipstream” Cal-Aero Academy Ontario, California, Class 43 I thru J and Silver Wings, Williams Field-AZ, Class 43-J. I’m in the process of digitizing them. Are you still cataloging these?